Businesses in West Lothian Benefit from £6,565,000 in Business Rate Support

Businesses in West Lothian Benefit from £6,565,000 in Business Rate Support

Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop has welcomed recent figures which show that the Scottish Government’s Small Business Bonus Scheme provided £6,565,000 of support for businesses across West Lothian in 2017/18 – an 25.9% rise on the previous year.

The Small Business Bonus Scheme, delivered by the SNP in 2008/09, supports local firms by reducing their rates liability or taking firms out of business rates altogether.

Fiona commented;

“The Scottish Government’s commitment to small businesses is clear. They are at the heart of our communities and bring economic growth and local employment to our towns and villages.

“Businesses across West Lothian have benefitted from a massive £6,565,000 in rates support in 2017/18. This is a rise of over 25% on last year’s rates support, and I am pleased that this relief provided by the Scottish Government is allowing our local businesses to grow and to provide job stability, creating an environment where local companies can flourish.”