Hyslop Celebrates West Lothian Young Ambassadors in Parliament Debate
Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop took the opportunity to celebrate West Lothian’s Young Ambassadors during a Parliamentary debate at Holyrood about Scotland’s Year of Young People in 2018.
The Year of Young People 2018 is an opportunity to celebrate the amazing young personalities, talents, and achievers that make up Scotland and who are inspiring our nation through their ideas, attitudes and ambitions. With events on all year round, the six themes of the Year of Young People 2018 are Participation, Education, Health and Wellbeing, Equality and Discrimination, Enterprise and Regeneration and Culture.
Fiona said;
“The Year of Young People 2018 is a global first and will include activities and events in every constituency involving young people right across Scotland and the whole year has been co-designed by young people through YoungScot.
“There are 11 trained young ambassadors in my area in West Lothian, and a further three young people have applied to become ambassadors. Two of the co-design leaders in Communic18 are also from West Lothian and I look forward to supporting the events that they help to organise.
“We should all endeavour to work with the young ambassadors in our areas and support local year of young people’s activities, achievements and successes to ensure that the legacy, the energy and the inspiration from our young people lasts beyond 2018.”