Fiona Hyslop Welcomes Adult Disability Support for 2,262 People across West Lothian

Fiona Hyslop Welcomes Adult Disability Support for 2,262 People across West Lothian

Fiona Hyslop MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, has welcomed latest figures which show that the new Scottish Adult Disability Living Allowance will ensure that up to 2,262 people in West Lothian will benefit from “an approach rooted in dignity, fairness and respect” with Social Security Scotland providing a total of 15 support payments.

Under the Scottish Government’s proposals, those in Scotland who currently receive the DWP’s Disability Living Allowance – around 66,000 adults – will, from next year, be automatically transferred to the new Scottish benefit. They will then be able to apply for Adult Disability Payment.

Fiona said,

“Since its inception, Social Security Scotland has set out to support those who need it most, with an approach rooted in dignity, fairness and respect .

“I am pleased that 2,262 more people across West Lothian will benefit from this progressive approach.”