Local MSP for Linlithgow Constituency Fiona Hyslop responds to publication of Edinburgh Airport Report

Local MSP for Linlithgow Constituency Fiona Hyslop responds to publication of Edinburgh Airport Report

Fiona commented:

“I have noted the report released this week by Edinburgh Airport regarding the trial flight path of the TUTUR route, in particular their points made regarding Community Complaints. I am pleased that Edinburgh Airport have acknowledged the need to engage more with the community and that they acknowledge that there has been substantial noise disturbance to many local residents.

“I am concerned however that the Report only refers to the complaints received via their own microsite when clearly the Airport are also in possession of the concerns of over 2000 people who completed my survey, the submitted petition from hundreds of Uphall and Dechmont residents which I handed to the Airport Chief Executive personally and a number of other petitions which were sent to the Airport from other MSPs and interested parties. It is simply incorrect to say that the complaints have only come from a small number of people – even if this is what their own complaints microsite has shown.

“It is clear that although existing flight routes may not have changed, the types of aircraft flying the original TALLA and GOSAM routes have changed with more jets flying on the GOSAM route in particular and so compounded the noise heard on the TUTUR route – explaining why local residents can still hear unacceptable levels of noise despite the TUTUR route ending.

“There is still some way to go to dissuade Edinburgh Airport of the need for the TUTUR route but I am pleased that when I met with Edinburgh Airport at the end of January they agreed to consider other options after having seen the results from my flight path survey conducted over the summer.”


Results of Fiona Hyslop’s Survey:
