UK Budget Leaves West Lothian Short-Changed and Families Worse Off

SNP MSP Fiona Hyslop has said that the Tory UK Government’s budget, announced today, makes it clear that “independence is the only way to give West Lothian a fair recovery from the pandemic.”

Fiona has said that the budget – which has been described by the head of the Institute for Fiscal Studies as “actually awful” for living standards – is failing the people of Scotland by failing to tackle the cost of living crisis, the Brexit crisis and the climate crisis whilst the Tory Government prioritise cuts to the cost of champagne and giving tax breaks to bankers.

Commenting SNP MSP Fiona Hyslop said:

“What the Tory UK Government has outlined today does not meet the ambition needed to build a fair and sustainable recovery and to tackle the cost of living crisis.

“It’s painfully clear that there will be no fair recovery from the pandemic under Westminster control.

“This Tory budget fails Scotland as a whole and doesn’t go anywhere near supporting people in West Lothian, who are being hit by an energy crisis, a Brexit crisis, a labour shortages crisis and an inflation crisis Under Westminster control.

“The UK Government budget is leaving families in West Lothian hundreds of pounds worse off next year due to Tory cuts, tax hikes and the soaring cost of Brexit.

“It’s little wonder that, in May’s election, the people of Scotland voted overwhelmingly for a different future when they gave the SNP the highest share of the vote since the dawn of devolution and a clear mandate for an independence referendum – Independence is the only way to keep Scotland safe from Tory cuts.”