Hyslop Supports Young Peoples’ Entitlement to Share Views

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Supports Young Peoples’ Entitlement to Share Views Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop is supporting the Bill to give every 16 and 17 year old in West Lothian the right to have their say in the Scottish Referendum next year. Fiona commented; “Next Year’s referendum is one of the most important decisions to face the Scottish people in recent times and I am delighted that a bill has been introduced to allow 16 and 17 year olds the chance to have their say. “In Scotland you can join the army, have a full time job, get married and have children at just 16 years old, our young people absolutely deserve the right to say how the future of their country should be run. “Whatever views you may have on the…
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Fiona Hyslop MSP Joins Marie Curie Care at Scottish Parliament

News, News in Lothian
Fiona Hyslop MSP Joins Marie Curie Cancer Care at Scottish Parliament Fiona Hyslop joined Marie Curie Cancer Care at the Scottish Parliament this week to learn more about the work carried about by the charity to provide free end of life care to people with terminal illnesses. Sporting one of the charity’s daffodil pins in support of the annual Great Daffodil Appeal, Fiona Hyslop spoke to Marie Curie nurses and staff about the free end of life care available to local communities across Scotland. Fiona said; “I am very happy to support the good work of Marie Curie Cancer Care throughout West Lothian. Between 2009 and 2011, Cancer was the main cause of death in West Lothian and Marie Curie Nurses understand the importance of offering the best palliative care…
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St John’s Children’s Ward Given Strong Commitment

News, News in Lothian
Press Release For Immediate Use: St Johns Children’s Ward Given Strong Commitment Tuesday, 26 February 2013 A firm commitment to a 24/7 service at St Johns have been given at two meetings with NHS in the last week. MSP for Linlithgow Fiona Hyslop commented "At both the Blackburn Community Council hosted meeting on Thursday and the regular NHS Lothian/MSP meeting on Friday, we heard that NHS Lothian were on course to make the appointments they needed to the Children’s Ward at St Johns. This is to be welcomed but NHS Lothian were left in doubt of the strength of feeling on the matter. I call on NHS Lothian to continue to be open and proactive about communicating the on-going situation. " Angela Constance MSP for Almond Valley added "The Health…
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Hyslop Secures Council Commitment for Bathgate Parking

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Secures Council Commitment for Bathgate Parking Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop who has been pursuing the case for more car parking at the railway station, has secured agreement from West Lothian Council to use the old railway station car park in Bathgate to host the overspill from the town’s new railway station car park while the finding and delivery for the new car park is being delivered. She said, “The new station has been a tremendous success since its opening and figures are very encouraging, of course, with this comes the issue of too few parking spaces. “I wrote to the council to ask about the option of using the car park at the site of the old railway station as well as asking them to identify alternative parking options…
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Hyslop Supports West Lothian Tourism

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Supports West Lothian Tourism Local constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop has signed up to pledge her support for Scottish Tourism Week (4th – 13th March) marking the natural beauty of West Lothian in the Scottish Government’s Year of Natural Scotland. Fiona said; “Here in West Lothian we have no shortage of attractions or culture for local and international visitors and that is why I am proud to support one of our key industries in Scottish Tourism Week. “Just last year, the number of visitors to Scotland rose by 5 per cent, just in time for our Year of Natural Scotland in 2013. “I am confident that these numbers will have a local impact on tourism for West Lothian, with visitors flocking to see the beauty of the Bathgate hills, or…
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Linlithgow Community Development Trust Launch

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Attends Linlithgow Community Development Trust Launch Speaking after last Saturday’s (2nd Feb) Community Development Trust Launch, Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop commented; “I was very pleased to attend the launch event of the Community Development Trust at the Burgh Halls on Saturday which I think will bring a big boost to the town. “I have seen successful Community Trusts operating elsewhere in Scotland and they are a really good wave of local people in charge of developments in their community. “We agreed this would be a long term project and I believe it is very important to involve young people living locally in any ideas about what could be done for their own town.”
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Hyslop Secures Parking Commitment from Network Rail

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Secures Parking Commitment from Network Rail Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop has secured a commitment from Network Rail that they intend to expand the car parking facilities at the Railway Station in Bathgate. Fiona Hyslop was contacted by a number of constituents on the issue so she wrote to Network Rail urging them to extend the car park. Network Rail has now replied acknowledging the problem at Bathgate Railway Station and has confirmed that they are currently working out costs and design development to expand the car park. Commenting, Fiona said; “I am very pleased that Network Rail appreciates the need for this development and is currently looking into ways to expand the car parking area at Bathgate Station. “The new Bathgate to Airdrie line has been a great…
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Hyslop Welcomes New Free Number for NHS 24

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes New Free Number for NHS 24 Local MSP Fiona Hyslop has welcomed the news that people in West Lothian will no longer be charged for calling NHS 24 after April 2014 when the existing number will be replaced by 111. Fiona said; “This is fantastic news that will see people across West Lothian continue to receive the same high-quality service from NHS 24 without being charged. “The hope is that people might call 111 instead of 999 or turning up at Accident and emergency with an injury that could be treated over the phone. “NHS 24 is designed to help people get the right care, from the right people, at the right time. It is a fundamental principle of the SNP that our health service should be free…
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Hyslop Congratulates Whitburn Pupils on Victim Support Conference

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Congratulates Whitburn Pupils on Victim Support Conference Local MSP, Fiona Hyslop has congratulated the pupils of Whitburn Academy on organising a Conference for Victim Support. HRH Princess Royal attended and delivered an address at the conference which was also attended by Lothian and Borders Police, Victim Support Scotland representatives and number of local schools. Fiona Hyslop MSP also spoke at the event taking part in a Question and Answer Panel Session. Fiona said; I would like to congratulate the 6th year ‘Horizon Group’ at Whitburn Academy for organising the thought-provoking event which I am sure will help improve support services for young victims of crime. “There were many stories about the importance of listening to young people and I think that support for school age pupils is something that…
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Fiona Hyslop Comments on Council Plea for Vion

News, News in Lothian
Fiona Hyslop Comments on Council Plea for Vion Commenting on West Lothian Council’s recent request to Vion’s EU Board for the company to donate the redundant plant in Broxburn to the council, Fiona said; “As the first to call for Vion to put their hands in their pockets to support West Lothian after the loss of 1700 jobs, it is only right that the plant donate the site to West Lothian Council to contribute to the regeneration of the local economy and the communities who have been affected by these job losses. “Our Taskforce meetings reconvene on Thursday (24th January) and I look forward to seeing what Vion bring to the table to offer the community and workforce they have let down.”
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