Hyslop Urges Broxburn Alumni to Get in Touch

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Urges Broxburn Alumni to get in touch Local MSP, Fiona Hyslop is urging anyone who went to or has stories about Broxburn Academy to get in touch to join in celebrating the Academy’s 50th Birthday. Broxburn Academy turns 50 on October 10th this year, a dinner is being held in the School Dining Hall and is inviting all alumni to the occasion. Fiona said; “This is a milestone event for Broxburn Academy and one which ought to be celebrated. “In the school’s 50 year history there have been many pupils and staff coming and going and this is a perfect opportunity to welcome back familiar faces and share old memories. “This is also an opportunity to look to the future; Broxburn Academy has excelled in many areas not least…
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Hyslop Celebrates Polish Community in Scottish Parliament

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Celebrates Polish Community in Scottish Parliament Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop has spoken in Parliament of the importance and roler of Polish Communities in West Lothian in a debate recognising the Great Polish Map of Scotland. During the debate she said; “We have a large number of Polish people and descendants living in my constituency. In West Lothian we talk of three waves of Polish immigration. Polish migrants came to my constituency 150 years ago to work in the mines, and again during the Second World War and latterly when Poland joined the EU. “In June this year, I attended the 150th anniversary of the St John Cantius and Nicholas Catholic Church in Broxburn, - a church who’s namesake is the patron of the present day Church near Krakow.…
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Hyslop Disappointed by Vion Halls Offer Rejection

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP Fiona Hyslop Disappointed by Vion Halls Offer Rejection Fiona Hyslop, local MSP for Broxburn in the Linlithgow Constituency, has today expressed her disappointment at the swift rejection by Vion of the Scottish Government’s offer to purchase and lease back the Halls facility in her constituency. The Scottish Government reported the offer to the Task Force which met yesterday (Thursday, 13th September). The Task Force is aimed at saving the jobs of the 1,700 workers at the closure threatened plant and Fiona Hyslop as the local MSP is a member of. The Task Force also includes Usdaw, West Lothian Council, Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Development International, Skills Development Scotland, Job Centre Plus, Quality Meat Scotland and local representatives. Commenting after yesterday’s meeting, SNP MSP Fiona Hyslop said: “I am extremely…
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Local MSP Supports Home Grown Goods in Armadale

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP Supports Home Grown Goods in Armadale Local MSP, Fiona Hyslop has visited Armadale’s Community Growing Garden to support the good work done by their volunteers to promote local produce and gardening projects in the community. Fiona said; “As well as a community tools lending scheme, food tasters and potting workshops, the group who runs the growing garden in Armadale are constantly working to keep the garden beautiful for those who visit. “A huge number of volunteers dedicate a lot of time and effort to this garden and I am delighted to have met many of them in person today. “I am happy to support this project which actively promotes growing your own vegetables and eating a healthy diet. The benefits of this are clear to see from the…
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Hyslop Urges Constituents to Buy Local for Scottish Food Fortnight

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Urges Constituents to Buy Local for Scottish Food Fortnight Local MSP Fiona Hyslop is urging the people of West Lothian to take part in Scottish Food and Drink Fortnight (1st – 16th September) by buying local produce. Fiona said; “In West Lothian as a whole, we have a fantastic array of fresh, seasonal and healthy food. Some of the freshest, finest and healthiest food in the world can be found on our doorsteps. “It is important that the people of West Lothian are aware of the benefits and availability of Scottish produce and so I would like to encourage my constituents to eat more Scottish foods and buy local this fortnight” For more information on local events or publicise to your own event: http://www.scottishfoodanddrinkfortnight.co.uk Or follow them on twitter:…
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Hyslop Congratulates West Lothian Pupils on Record Results

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Congratulates West Lothian Pupils on Record Results Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop has offered her congratulations to pupils and students across West Lothian who have received their Standard Grade and Higher exam results this morning (Tuesday, 7th August). Fiona said; “I am delighted that there has been another rise in the number of pupils passing their Advanced Highers, Highers and Standard Grade exams. “I am particularly pleased that these results have seen an interest in Gaelic studies and this year will be the first that Gaelic-medium subject qualification titles will be displayed on certificates. “Sadly not everyone will have received the grades they had hoped for, however I trust that all pupils will receive adequate support from teachers and their families in helping them to decide…
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Hyslop Welcomes Whitburn Contribution to Wallace Letters Exhibition

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes Whitburn Contribution to Wallace Letters Exhibition Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop has welcomed the Wallce and Lubeck Letters to the Scottish Parliament this week and offered a special congratulations for Croftmalloch Primary School in Whitburn who have a project of work on display for the occasion. Fiona said; "I am delighted to see a local project from my constituency as part of the Wallace and Lubek Letters Exhibition in the Scottish Parliament. “Croftmalloch Primary has put a lot of effort into their work and I am pleased it will be recognised by visitors from home and afar. “These two letters are part of the few surviving artefacts with a direct link to William Wallace and a fascinating fragment of our nation's history. I am very proud to have been…
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Constituency MSP Welcomes Further Progress at Vion

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP Fiona Hyslop Welcomes Further Progress at Vion Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop has attended a second Task Force meeting along with the Finance Secretary, John Swinney, in a bid to save 1700 jobs at Vion Halls in Broxburn today. (Monday 30th July) The taskforce which also comprises of Usdaw, West Lothian Council, Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Development International, Skills Development Scotland, Job Centre Plus, Quality Meat Scotland and local representatives was established to safeguard jobs following the decision by Vion Food UK, they met to consult on the future of its plant at Broxburn. Commenting after the meeting today, Ms Hyslop said; “This was an important meeting to take stock of all the information we have to hand about the company. I am very impressed with the cooperation and…
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St John’s Paediatric Ward Re-opens as Promised

News, News in Lothian
St John’s Paediatric Ward Re-opens as Promised Linlithgow MSP, Fiona Hyslop has welcomed the news that St John’s Paediatric ward in Livingston has re-opened the this morning at 8am as planned. Last month, Ms Hyslop met with the Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon to relay concerns about the temporary July closure and to ask for reassurances that this was a one off staffing issue. Fiona said; “Just as the Health Secretary made clear at a meeting in June, this temporary closure has come to an end and paediatric services have been re-opended at St John’s as of this morning at 8am. “It should be made clear that this disappointing yet unavoidable decision was not an issue about funding but one about the availability of specialist paediatric consultants. “I am pleased that…
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Fiona Hyslop Welcomes Billion Pound Development for Winchburgh

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes Billion Pound Development for Winchburgh Local MSP Fiona Hyslop is delighted to welcome the launch of the £1 billion pound investment into a new development in Winchburgh. Work on the project, which commenced this week (July 16th) will see 3000 new homes, a quarter of which will be affordable housing. Fiona commented; “New schools, business opportunities, retail and leisure establishments are just some of the new facilities to be built as part of this £1 Billion development. Thousands of new residents could arrive in the area in an expansion that will cover 900 acres over the next 15 years. “The first phase of this huge investment is expected to bring 300 jobs annually, stimulating growth and prosperity to the local economy and will also benefit the wider West…
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