Hyslop Pleased with West Lothian Council House Boom

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Pleased with West Lothian Council House Boom Scotland is building five times as many council houses than the UK Government, official statistics has revealed and West Lothian tops last year’s charts Linlithgow Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop commented on the figures; “There were 10 council home completions in 2011/12 in West Lothian and 169 new homes were started. This is by far the biggest number of council houses started last year for any local authority. “These figures are on top of the 248 built in West Lothian between 2007 -2011 and in stark contrast to statistics from 1999-2006 where not a single council was built in West Lothian. “It is worth noting that the number of homeless applications also fell by 8.6% in 2010/11.”
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Hyslop Welcomes Fast Progress and First Minister’s Visit to Vion Halls

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes Fast Progress and First Minister's Visit to Vion Halls Fiona Hyslop, local MSP for Broxburn in the Linlithgow Constituency, attended a Government-led Task Force meeting last night in Broxburn to discuss the consultation on the closure of Vion Halls Broxburn Branch which employs over 1,000 permanent full-time workers. Ms Hyslop commented: "I am pleased that the First Minister was able to come and speak to people at Vion following the Finance Secretary's extended visit yesterday and welcome the speed in which efforts are being made to deal with this devastating situation. “The Task Force meeting last night discussed how the Scottish Government plan to work with the company, the trade unions and all other relevant agencies to try and find a solution for the workers and their families.…
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Fiona Hyslop Comments on Vion Halls Announcement of Threat to Broxburn Plant

News, News in Lothian
Fiona Hyslop Comments on Vion Halls Announcement of Threat to Broxburn Plant Fiona Hyslop MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency has commented on today’s announcement from Vion Halls about a consultation on the closure of their Broxburn branch employing over 1000 permanent workers. Ms Hyslop said: “This is a devastating blow for workers and their families in West Lothian. Vion Halls is the biggest private employer in this constituency and there are many experienced workers with expertise in food production in the company and we must make every effort to try and secure a positive outcome.” Ms Hyslop will be attending a rapidly convened Government-led Task Force later on this evening as the local MSP. She continued: “I call on everyone concerned; management, unions, the workforce, enterprise agencies, Government and Local…
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Hyslop Meets Health Secretary Over Temporary Changes to St John’s Children Ward

News, News in Lothian
Fiona Hyslop Meets with Health Secretary Over Temporary Changes to the Children's Ward at St John's Hospital Fiona Hyslop MSP for Linlithgow Constituency wrote to and has met with the Health Secretary, Nicola Sturgeon to express her concerns on the temporary closure of St. John’s Hospital Children’s Ward and to ask for assurances that this issue will not re-occur in the future. After meeting with the Health Secretary, other MSPs and local West Lothian Councillors at the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday (July 3rd), Fiona said; “I made it clear to NHS Lothian that we need to have a long term sustainable commitment to the Children’s Ward at St John’s Hospital – a commitment already confirmed at an earlier meeting in February this year when I raised recruitment issues with them.…
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Hyslop Attends Business in Parliament Conference

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Attends Business in Parliament Conference Fiona Hyslop MSP and her guest, local Businessman from Linlithgow, Ewan Hunter attended the Scottish Parliament’s annual Business in Parliament Conference on Friday (June 8th, 2012). Hyslop, who attend the conference as a local MSP said; “This conference is a fantastic opportunity for local businesses and business people to learn from the days events and meet like-minded people from other communities. “The conference was filled with such experienced speakers as entrepreneur Sir Tom Hunter and the First Minister of Scotland and the Parliament hosted informative workshops for the MSPs guests. > “Bringing together MSPs, senior business figures and key organisations from across the country, this conference has today examined the depths of Scottish entrepreneurialism and our desire for development of our businesses in Scotland.”…
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Hyslop Welcomes Bathgate Pupil Council to Parliament

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes Bathgate Pupil Council to Parliament SNP MSP for Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop has today met with the staff and pupils from Bathgate Academy who sit on their pupil council. Ms Hyslop organised a tour and room for the group where she could sit and discus their work. Fiona said; ”This is the second year I have hosted Bathgate Academy’s Pupils Council in the Holyrood Building and I am delighted to meet with them again this year. “The pupil council in Bathgate are always very keen to learn more about the Scottish Parliament and the role politics plays in everyday life. “I am pleased to spend time responding to their questions and share views on local and national issues that are important to them.”
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Hyslop Marks Volunteer Week in Linlithgow

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Marks Volunteer Week in Linlithgow Local MSP, Fiona Hyslop has visited Brae Court in Linlithgow to mark Volunteers Week 2012 (June 4th -10th). Commenting at her visit, Ms Hyslop said; “I am delighted to be at Brae Court in Linlithgow to mark the hugely important work that our volunteers do. “Volunteers Week is a great opportunity to showcase our volunteers and ensure that their dedication and hard work is recognised. “Today I have met many volunteers and staff at Brae Court, run by Bield Housing Association and have seen first-hand the contribution they make to their communities and the benefits they offer our society. “They’re work is an inspiration and I am more than happy to highlight their efforts.”
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Local MSP Congratulates Boghall and bathgate Juvenile Pipe Band

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Congratulates Boghall and Bathgate Juvenile Pipe Band Local MSP, Fiona Hyslop has congratulated Boghall and Bathgate Juvenile Pipe band for their performance at Edinburgh Castle at an official Government Engagement. Fiona said; “Boghall and Bathgate Juvenile Pipe Band gave a fantastic performance. They received a standing ovation from our international guests. “I was very proud - their pride and confidence really enhanced their performance.”
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Hyslop Welcomes ‘YES’ Campaign

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes ‘YES’ Campaign for Scotland “Scotland’s future will be decided by the people, not the politicians” Fiona Hyslop MSP for Linlithgow Constituency has attended the launch of the SNP’s ‘YES’ Campaign ahead of the Independence Referendum scheduled for Autumn 2014. After the launch, Fiona said; “The Scottish people face an exciting and historic choice in 2014, one which will allow our people to have the opportunity to have the power as a country to create jobs, address fuel prices and to control the money that Scotland raises in tax. “In the West Lothian, as across Scotland, the debate is just beginning, but it is clear the interest in independence extends throughout the community and across party lines. “The best people to decide Scotland’s future are the people who care…
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Local MSP Visits Bathgate Flood Victims

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP Visits Bathgate Flood Victims Fiona Hyslop MSP for Linlithgow Constituency has today (Friday 25th May) visited the site where a 27 inch water main burst in Bathgate on Tuesday morning. The burst main which flooded nine properties on Leyland Road and a further six on Meikle Inch Lane has now been drained and residents were evacuated safely by emergency services. Fiona Hyslop, who visited the site and met residents from the streets with Scottish Water representatives, said; “The damage done to these homes is devastating. “Councillor Willie Boyle has been a great help visiting each resident on the day of the burst offering them support and advice. “Lothian and Borders Emergency Services have done a great job clearing the water and responded quickly and effectively to the alert…
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