Local MSP Fiona Hyslop Welcomes Work of Warm Homes Scheme

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Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, has welcomed the impact of a scheme aimed at helping homes become warmer, more comfortable and more affordable to heat in her constituency. Warmer Homes Scotland is the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme which has supported 313 people in Linlithgow since its launch in 2015, with each of the homes saving an average of £265 on their energy bills. The Warmer Homes Scotland scheme provides a step-by-step service to identify where energy improvements can be made and arranges for these to be carried out. The scheme offers new central heating systems, including renewable heating technologies, in all property types and in all regions across Scotland. All work carried out as part of the scheme is undertaken by registered and accredited local…
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Hyslop Welcomes Announcement of 24/7 Paediatric Inpatient Services to Resume at St. Johns Hospital from October

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Hyslop welcomes the announcement from NHS Lothian that 24/7 paediatric services at St. Johns can resume this autumn. NHS Lothian will reinstate paediatric services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from October, to enhance the care already provided to children in West Lothian. The details were agreed by NHS Lothian board members at their meeting on Wednesday 12th August. This means that inpatient paediatrics will be extended from functioning four nights a week, to seven days and nights by October 19th, 2020. Parents and families are not required to do anything differently as a result of the change and will still access care in the normal way, through NHS 24, their GP or the Emergency Department. Fiona commented: ‘This is great news for West Lothian families. St Johns…
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Hyslop Calls on West Lothian Community to Volunteer During Health Crisis

Hyslop Calls on West Lothian Community to Volunteer During Health Crisis Local Linlithgow MSP, Fiona Hyslop, is calling upon those who are able in the community to consider volunteering as part of the new ‘Scotland Cares’ Campaign. While the most important ask for the public remains to stay at home and follow the essential public health guidance, people who are healthy and not at risk can volunteer to provide practical or emotional help to those most in need. Those wanting to volunteer to support their communities have three options which are signposted from the Ready Scotland website: returning NHS workers will be directed to existing voluntary arrangements in NHS Scotland people wishing to offer their support to our public services, including the NHS and local authorities, will be directed to…
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Hyslop Marks Missing Piece Campaign with Scottish Youth Parliament

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  Hyslop Marks Missing Piece Campaign with Scottish Youth Parliament On World Children’s Rights Day (Wed 20th November) and to mark the 30th Anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop met with Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament to highlight their Missing Piece to Childhood Adversity campaign. Fiona was invited to place a jigsaw piece as part of a design which frames the Adverse Childhood Experiences Conversation. Fiona said, “It was a pleasure to visit the Scottish Youth Parliament to meet the team behind this campaign and chat to some of the members of the Scottish Youth Parliament. “This resource aims to spread awareness of childhood adversity and I was delighted to support the campaign on UNICEF’s World Children’s Day,…
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Fiona Hyslop Comments on Scotrail Delays:

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Fiona Hyslop Comments on Scotrail Delays: “I am aware from the number of constituency correspondence I receive that passengers are not happy with the extent of the delays in recent months with most of the delays due to Network Rail controlled by Westminster. The delayed introduction of new trains has been caused by staffing issues and an over time ban by staff which is being resolved. “Raising the cost of fares and not improving services is simply unacceptable. Passengers deserve a seat on the train they pay for and they depend on a timely service.  “In December the Transport Secretary Michael Matheson ordered Scotrail to submit a remedial plan outlining how it planned to address performance issues within eight weeks. "Rail remains a reserved matter under the Scotland Act. Until…
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Hyslop Calls for RBS to Think Again on Linlithgow Closure

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Hyslop Calls for RBS to Think Again on Linlithgow Closure Local MSP Fiona Hyslop is calling for the Royal Bank of Scotland to reconsider plans to close their Linlithgow branch, after a shock announcement that the bank plans a series of closures across the country. As a reserved issue, the UK Government is responsible for the regulation of banking services across Scotland, and own a controlling stake in Royal Bank of Scotland. The Scottish Government has said they will continue to engage closely with banks and with senior representatives from all major companies in the financial services industry. Following the announcement, Fiona said; “This is another blow from Royal Bank of Scotland to our local communities following the closure of their Whitburn Branch earlier this year. This will come as…
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Hyslop Nominates Uphall Volunteer to be Local Hero at Opening of Parliament

Hyslop Nominates Uphall Volunteer to be Local Hero at Opening of Parliament Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop has nominated local volunteer, Paul Weddell to be her guest at the Scottish Parliament’s Local Hero and Riding of the Parliament Ceremony on July 2nd to mark the official opening of Holyrood’s fifth session. Fiona said; “The opening of Session Five of the Scottish Parliament is an opportunity to celebrate the work and dedication of our local heroes from across the country. “Paul Weddell dedicates his free time to volunteering and for the last 16 years has been involved with the No Limits Sports Club based in West Lothian for Children and Young Adults with a Disability and he has personally raised in excess of £160,000 to fund the clubs activities. “Paul’s commitment…
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FIONA HYSLOP RE-ELECTED MSP FOR LINLITHGOW WITH MAJORITY DOUBLED Fiona Hyslop has been re-elected as MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency with 19,362 votes – receiving over 50% of the vote across the constituency and doubling her majority over Labour to 9,335. She secured the second highest number of votes for the SNP in the country in this one of the biggest seats in the country. The SNP have now secured an historic third term in Government - something no other party in Scotland has been able to achieve at Holyrood. Speaking after the result was declared Fiona said; “It is an enormous privilege to be re-elected for the Linlithgow Constituency. "We ran a positive campaign setting out what the SNP would do for the country and I what I would…
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Join the SNP

Since the independence referendum on September 18th 2014, membership of the SNP more than doubled in under one week. We now have over 80,000 members making the SNP the third largest party in the UK, overtaking the Liberal Democrats. If you would like to add your name to that ever increasing list, give our headquaters a call on 0800 633 5432 or drop them an email by clicking HERE. We look forward to meeting you and working together to build a better future for the people of Scotland. Find out more at www.snp.org SNP membership soars as Labour could 'die out' Wed, 24/09/2014 - 12:01 As SNP membership soars to more than 57,000*, former First Minister Henry McLeish has warned that the Labour Party is in danger of dying out…
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SNP Candidates Highlight Abolished Prescription Charges for West Lothian

SNP PARLIAMENTARY CANDIDATES HIGHLIGHT ABOLISHED PRESCRIPTION CHARGES FOR WEST LOTHIAN SNP Candidates Fiona Hyslop (Linlithgow) and Angela Constance (Livingston) have marked the abolition of prescription charges by the Scottish Government. As of April 1st, patients from West Lothian will not have to pay for their prescriptions. Commenting Fiona Hyslop said: "Prescription charges are an unfair tax on ill-health and I am delighted that the SNP Government has abolished prescription charges. “Although everyone without exemptions must pay the charge, it is those who suffer from potentially fatal conditions and do not qualify for exemptions that have suffered the most." Angela Constance added; “In 2007, prescription charges cost £6.85. Prescription charges can also be a barrier to good health and by introducing this remarkable tax on ill health, it will result in…
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