‘Louder for MS’ Campaign Response

Campaign Responses
I am proud to support the MS Society pledge to get #LouderForMS at Holyrood in the next Scottish Parliament to highlight important issues in the MS community and those affected by neurological conditions. The SNP Scottish Government published Scotland’s first National Action Plan on Neurological Conditions which supports people to manage their condition appropriate to their unique and individual needs. If re-elected, we will continue to push forward this Action Plan, working even closer with local communities to meet the needs of every individual affected by MS. Furthermore, if re-elected, we will strengthening Scotland’s new social security system that is person-centred and community-based, with dignity, fairness and respect at the heart of it. We will continue to spread the ‘What Matters to You’ approach which encourages staff to focus on individual needs…
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‘Assisted Dying’ Campaign Response

Campaign Responses
I respect the will of the Scottish Parliament on assisted dying and am committed to ensuring that everyone has dignity and respect at the end of their life. I recently spoke with a member of Dignity in Dying Scotland and had a very considered conversation which covered the topic of an Assisted Dying Bill in Scotland. I explained that whilst I voted against such a Bill in the past, as always I would give any future Bill proper consideration and would look to ensure that it included strong safeguarding measures to protect individuals.  Assisted suicide is devolved to the Scottish Parliament. In 2015 the Scottish Parliament debated Stage 1 of the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill. The debate focused on all matters related to assisted dying, including matters related to both…
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‘Oor Vyce #Scotspledge 2021’ Campaign Response

Campaign Responses
The SNP is committed to supporting Scotland’s linguistic and cultural diversity. If re-elected, we will promote, protect and celebrate the Scots language. Education is a crucial aspect of protecting new and young Scots speakers. This is why, over the course of its leadership, the SNP Scottish Government successfully launched and implemented the Education Scotland Action Plan which aims to raise awareness among the wider community, provide online support for learners, and support local authorities in ensuring continuity of Scots language policy across Scotland. In the 2021 Manifesto, the SNP have again committed to supporting Scotland’s languages as it recognises them as an integral part of Scotland’s culture and heritage.  If the SNP is re-elected, we will have a particular focus on arresting the intensifying language shift in the remaining vernacular communities.…
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‘Beer and Pub Election Pledge’ Campaign Response

Campaign Responses
The SNP fully appreciates the impact the Coronavirus pandemic has had on the hospitality sector and that is why, in government, we provided funding of over £3 billion to support businesses affected by Covid-19. As the current Cabinet Secretary of Economy, I recognise the important role pubs play in many peoples’ lives and within communities. To support the sector through the next year, the SNP Government have committed to 100% rates relief for tourism & hospitality for 2021-22. As the vaccine roll-out continues, and the lockdown restrictions are easing, we know more is needed to help hospitality businesses get firmly back on their feet. When it is safe to do so, we will launch a campaign to encourage people to support local tourism and hospitality in Scotland. Fiona Hyslop
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‘Action for Jobs’ Campaign Response

Campaign Responses
The SNP and I agree wholeheartedly with the STUC on devolving employment law which would allow Scotland to ditch Westminster’s anti-workers’ agenda, put fair work at the heart of our economy and stop practices such as ‘fire and rehire’. If re-elected, we will use devolved powers to support a Living Hours accreditation programme similar to our Living Wage scheme; establish a £10 million fund to allow companies to pilot a four day working week; and review our Fair Work First criteria for contracts and grants to include specific reference to fire and rehire tactics. An SNP Government will continue to push for greater borrowing powers. With the powers we have at present, the Scottish National Investment Bank will be given £1bn to deliver economic, social and environmental returns. Furthermore, if…
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‘BSL Manifesto’ Campaign Response

Campaign Responses
The SNP wants to make Scotland the best place in the world for British Sign Language (BSL) users to live, work and visit. The SNP Scottish Government created the Deaf Sector Partnership to support early implementation of the BSL (Scotland) Act and set up the BSL National Advisory Group to represent the views of people with BSL as their first or preferred language. The SNP Scottish Government worked with Deaf communities across Scotland to develop the BSL ‘National Plan 2017 to 2023’ which sets out actions to help ensure deaf and deafblind BSL users are fully involved in all aspects of daily and public life in Scotland. If re-elected, we will provide additional funding to enable local authorities to offer free BSL tuition for deaf children from the age of…
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‘Dedicated Facilities for Prenatal Loss’ Campaign Response

Campaign Responses
The loss of a baby at any stage of pregnancy is an unimaginable tragedy and our sympathies are with the families who have suffered baby loss. In our manifesto, the SNP commits to developing and implementing a Women’s Health Plan aiming to improve services and reduce health inequalities for women and girls. It will establish a dignified, compassionate miscarriage service tailored to the needs of women, taking forward the findings of The Lancet report and supporting the development of individualised care plans after a woman’s first miscarriage.  We will also emulate New Zealand where families who experience miscarriage or stillbirth are entitled to 3 days of paid leave by delivering this within the public sector and calling on the UK Government to make the necessary changes to employment law to…
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‘Crohn’s & Colitis UK’ Campaign Response

Campaign Responses
The SNP is extremely grateful to Chron’s and Colitis UK for its hard work, particularly in developing the national blueprint for IBD in Scotland, remains committed to working with them and other partners to raise awareness of this important issue in Scotland. The Scottish Government have made significant progress in reducing waiting times over the last few years but we know that progress has been interrupted by the pandemic and we have seen a significant increase in the numbers of patients waiting for routine appointments and treatments. Through its modernising patient pathways programme, the SNP Scottish Government has been working closely with health boards and Crohn’s and Colitis UK in recent years to improve IBD services, pathways and patient outcomes across Scotland. That includes the development of a series of…
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‘Generation Rent’ Campaign Response

Campaign Responses
The pandemic has highlighted the importance of home, and the need for homes and the spaces around them to support people to live well. That is why we are committed to expanding our social and affordable housing stock. The SNP Scottish Government took action to support renters during the pandemic. The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) (No. 2) Regulations 2021 means the current ban on the enforcement of eviction orders in Scotland has now been extended to 30 September 2021. A re-elected SNP Scottish Government will deliver a further 100,000 affordable homes by 2032 with at least 70% of these for social rent.  We will develop a new Rented Sector Strategy in 2021. This will provide greater protections from unreasonable rent increases and give people affordable…
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‘Homes for Scotland’ Campaign Response

Campaign Responses
The SNP are committed to ensuring everyone has a warm and safe place to live. Therefore, if re-elected, the SNP will deliver a further 100,000 affordable homes by 2032 with at least 70% of these for social rent. Once the current 50,000 affordable homes target has been delivered, we will meet this new target through a combination of new build homes and bringing existing housing stock back into use. This commitment to delivering a further 100,000 affordable homes will see around 12 – 14,000 jobs each year.  Furthermore, the SNP will introduce a new Housing Standard, set in law by 2025 to cover all homes ensuring that the quality of existing homes keeps pace with new homes. This will include repairing and safety standards, minimum space standards, digital connectivity, future-proofing…
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