Hyslop Urges Constituents to Put Kettle on for Charity

News, News in Lothian
Fiona Hyslop Urges Constituents To Put Kettle On For Charity Monday, 20 September 2010  SNP MSP Fiona Hyslop is backing the Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning on the 24th of September. It is the 20th year of the event which runs for Macmillan Cancer Support. Fiona is keen for her constituents to get involved with this event so that the goal of £8m UK-wide can possibly be achieved. Fiona said: “I am delighted to be holding a coffee afternoon for such a worthwhile cause. I would like to invite any of my constituents to drop in for the event in my office on West Main Street in Whitburn on Friday 24th of September from 1pm till 3pm.  “Sadly, cancer affects more people every year and so the Macmillan Charity is essential…
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Hyslop Welcomes Rail Boost for Bathgate

News, News in Lothian
  HYSLOP WELCOMES RAIL BOOST FOR BATHGATE  Monday, 30th August SNP MSP for Lothians Fiona Hyslop has welcomed the announcement of 74 new jobs in Bathgate connected to the opening of the Airdrie-Bathgate line and a further 56 jobs along the route. The announcement was made on Monday by Transport minister Stewart Stevenson. Welcoming the news Ms Hyslop said: “These new jobs are just one of the many benefits the new rail line will bring to the area. “74 new jobs for Bathgate alongside the new line is a great step forward and a real boost during the current economic difficulties. “Not only is the line itself generating 74 jobs for Bathgate and more for the rest of the line, it will open the area up to new business and…
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Hyslop Hails SNP Council Tax Freeze

News, News in Lothian
HYSLOP HAILS SNP COUNCIL TAX FREEZE SAVINGS FOR WEST LOTHIAN RESIDENTS Monday 30th August Fiona Hyslop MSP for Lothians has today highlighted the savings that householders have made since the SNP came to power and froze council tax.  The average Band D home in West Lothian has saved £252 since 2007/8 thanks to the council tax freeze. Council tax for a Band D home in West Lothian would have been £1,254 this year had the Scottish Government not funded West Lothian Council to implement the freeze and keep it at £1,128.  It has stopped council tax bills rising in West Lothian by 11% since 2007/8. Ms Hyslop commented: “The SNP were elected with the Council Tax freeze as a central part of our manifesto. “We recognised that this tax is…
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Hyslop Invites West Lothian to Apply for Safer Streets

News, News in Lothian
  Friday, 20 August 2010 Hyslop Invites West Lothian to Apply for Safer Streets Fiona Hyslop MSP for Lothians has welcomed the Scottish Government’s Safer Streets Campaign announcing that West Lothian can apply for funding from the Government to help ensure that people going out for the night can enjoy themselves in a safe environment. Fiona Hyslop commented: “Since 2007 there have been a record number of new Police Officers on our streets, the Lothian and Borders region alone has seen a rise of 216 officers keeping our streets safe. “This new funding is aimed at supporting community safety projects that seek to make our streets a safer place for the entire region. “I am delighted that the Scottish Government is committed to ensuring safer and stronger towns for the…
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Fiona Hyslop Selected to Fight New Linlithgow Seat for the SNP

News in Lothian
FIONA HYSLOP MSP - LOTHIANS LINLITHGOW CONSTITUENCY SNP Fiona Hyslop Selected to Fight New Linlithgow Seat for the SNP  Monday, 16 August 2010 Fiona Hyslop MSP has been selected by the members in the Linlithgow Constituency to contest the new Linlithgow seat in the Scottish Parliament elections 2011. Fiona was nominated by Linlithgow Constituency Association, Linlithgow Burgh Branch, Bathgate Branch and Whitburn Branch. Following her selection, Fiona said: “I am delighted to have been selected by the SNP membership to contest the new Linlithgow seat. “The new seat provides a fresh opportunity for the SNP to win the constituency. The new constituency now includes Broxburn where the SNP have a strong presence. “I am looking forward to campaigning across the constituency to ensure the arguments for Scotland are made and…
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Hyslop Urges Donations for Pakistan Flood

News in Lothian
HYSLOP CALLS FOR SUPPORT FROM WEST LOTHIAN FOR PAKISTAN FLOOD VICITMS Fiona Hyslop MSP for Lothians has appealed to members of the public to donate as much as they can to help the victims of the flooding in Pakistan. Ms Hyslop announced £900,000 of humanitarian aid and development funding on behalf of the Scottish Government in her capacity as Minister for External Affairs on Saturday and is now calling upon her constituents to donate generously to the people of Pakistan in their time of need. Ms Hyslop said: “"The scale of destruction and human suffering caused by the flooding in Pakistan is truly appalling. "It is our moral duty to do whatever is within our power to ease the suffering of the people whose lives have been devastated by this…
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Hyslop Welcomes 2.76 Million for West Lothian Council Houses

News in Lothian
SNP MSP FOR Lothians Fiona Hyslop has welcomed the announcement by the First Minister that 92 new council homes are to be built in West Lothian after the Local Council was awarded £2.76 million in this third round of Government funding. In total, including this funding in round three, West Lothian Council has been allocated £9.615million to build a total of 515 new homes. Commenting on the announcement, Ms Hyslop said: “This is fantastic news for the people of West Lothian. Not only is the Government enabling West Lothian Council to build a further 92 council houses, this initiative will support those working in housing sector jobs and related trades. “In such difficult economic times with tightening finances this is an incredible achievement and only highlights the Scottish Government’s commitment…
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Fiona Celebrates Anderson’s Place in Scottish History

News in Lothian
Fiona Hyslop MSP for Lothians celebrated the inclusion of West Lothian based butchers, T D Anderson’s into a book by Historic Scotland examining the architectural history of shops in Scotland by presenting a signed copy to T D Butchers this week. The book includes a photograph and note about the tiling in the interior of the remarkable T D Anderson’s Butchers on the Main Street in Linlithgow. Commenting, Ms Hyslop said: “Linlithgow people buying their butcher’s meat over the years at Andersons have probably gotten used to the exquisit tiling pictures of Linlithgow Palace but they really are something special to record. “I am glad that Andersons Butchers made it in to this important books which I was pleased to present to Mr George Smith. “Traditional shops and shop fronts…
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Hyslop Welcomes West Lothian Bookbug Programme

News in Lothian
Tuesday, 06 July 2010 On Wednesday last week, Fiona Hyslop MSP for Lothians attended an event at the Scottish Parliament which launched the Scottish Books Trust’s New Early Years “Bookbug” Programme. Fiona, who spoke at the event at Holyrood, also met with the Programme’s brand new mascot. (See photos) The core format of the programme which includes free packs of books for babies, toddlers, three year olds and Primary ones across West Lothian and free Bookbug sessions in your area, will stay the same. Some new benefits have also been introduced including bespoke packs, improved parental guidance and an overall greener programme under a brand new Scottish identity. Commenting after the event, Fiona said: “I believe that it is important for babies and toddlers to be exposed to books and…
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Hyslop Welcomes £374,288 for Broxburn Business

News in Lothian
Monday, 28 June 2010 HYSLOP WELCOMES £347, 288 FOR BROXBURN BUSINESS SNP MSP Fiona Hyslop has welcomed Thursday’s (24th June) announcement of £347,288 to A K Stoddard in Broxburn under the Food Processing, Marketing and Co-Operative (FPMC) Grants Scheme. The announcement came as the news of sales of Scottish food and drink brands increased 22 per cent demonstrating Scotland's strength as a food and drink retailer in a highly competitive market. Commenting on the announcement, Ms Hyslop said;  “In West Lothian, we have a fantastic array of fresh, seasonal and healthy Scottish foods and I have always supported rural industries and purchased local produce whenever possible. “I am so pleased that A K Stoddard in Broxburn has been recognised and awarded for its Scottish Beef, which just goes to show…
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